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# Using the lockable-doors object

Published: 3/7/2022 for TQ Version: 3.2.7

The lockable-doors from the twilioquest-base (opens new window) repository can be useful to conditionally allow players access to different parts of your level.

These doors use a state machine to manage themselves. They can be in open, opening, closing, and closed states.

This state machine is created in the onMapDidLoad event (opens new window) via the initOpenCloseFSM() function.

The Fog Owl Door object is another custom object that uses this same state machine. The Fog Owl Door also has other logic to allow the player to change the door's states via trigger areas (opens new window).

In the above code, the self.state.fsm.action('open') and self.state.fsm.action('close') calls cause the door to open and close. You should be able to use these same functions in any scripting environment in TwilioQuest where you have a reference to the door object.

Here's an example code snippter that assumes there's a trigger area in a map with key myDoorOpenTrigger and a lockable-door with key myLockableDoor.

if ( === "triggerAreaWasEntered" && === "myDoorOpenTrigger"
) {
  world.forEachEntities("myLockableDoor", (door) =>